Conservation in a minor
Conservation in full swing. Our local school birdwatching group on one of their trips did not just bird watching and...
The Free Fall
A beautiful morning it was- my usual study troop happily foraging on the heavily laden fig tree, my recorder on and...
On a heavier note
During the initial days of my introduction to the field techniques of animal behaviour, I once accompanied two...
My home and other animals
Just about a year ago, when I was fascinated, at times irritated, by the crazy rooster that woke me up at the break of...
True and False
That night, like any other night, among the sounds of silence, I was reading in the corner of my solitude. The gleam...
Bandipur to me…
It has been over 20 years since I first came to Bandipur and five since I made Dhole’s Den my home. Making it a home...
The man with a thick mustache
It was like any other day- I stood waiting for the bus at the gate of my field-station, all packed for a day at work....
Meghan Kasturi, visited us during the latter part of November. She stayed with us at Dhole’s Den. Here, she shares her...
Independence Day
Friends of Dhole’s Den, As every year Independence Day was celebrated at Dhole’s Den with the national flag been...